Sunday, September 21, 2008


Re-watching this movie 'Hitch', starring lead actor Will Smith, represents the importance of the role of communication in relationships. People cannot really communicate well when it comes to interpersonal communication especially when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex. Many a time, we wished we could seek professional help in courtship. This is what the movie 'Hitch' is about. Will Smith plays the role of Hitch who provides professional help to men who has met their dream woman, but would not have the guts to approach them, much less know how to react around them. In this movie and the clips attached above, he is coaching this plump guy, Albert who is a social reject and helps him to chase after the woman of his dreams, who is a successful and popular woman who is always under the spotlight and scrutiny of media coverage.

In communication, first impression counts and since physical appearance has the biggest impact, Albert (due to his bigger size and huge tummy) has inferiority complex. Hitch's job is to help him overcome it, and projects confidence in pursuing his dream woman. Based on the second video on his personal dance which Albert thought was good, his dance is socially awkward and repelling. Hitch warned him never to do that dance again, and Albert replied 'I'm just expressing myself', rubbing his palms on his pockets embarrassingly.

Although Albert was taught to learn how to dance from Hitch, as the movie progresses, he ended up being himself and did his personal dance during the night out with his date. With inference from the movie, there was a twist to the story as the girl really liked him for who he really is even though the dance moves were slightly awkward and out of the norm. This goes to show that there is always an exception to the general rule, when it comes to interpersonal communication, that not one formula of communication works for every single individual. No two persons are alike, hence depending on case-by case basis. In this scenario, bringing on a very strong point, dissimilarities and complementary differences work for this couple, as the girl preferred Albert rather than those group of rich men who always hang around her, and are arrogant and snobbish.

In addition, in the case of Will Smith chasing after Eva Mendes, he tried to engage her into a first date by using a walkie-talkie to converse with her. He employed an interesting way of approaching her and Eva reciprocated while being intrigued and surprised with the novelty of communicating via a walkie-talkie.

Despite the fact that there is general social norm of general communication, there is still a small little class of people who implements unorthodox or alternative means of communication which works better for them. Even though the movie talks about effective means of communication, the best way of communication is still communicating with the heart and sincerity, which both men succeeded in winning the fair lady's heart.


pacific202 said...

Mass communications vs personal communications. That's the difference.

kyun said...

What you said is very true...ultimately, interpersonal communication should be unique, so that the person you're communicating with would be able to 1) remember who you are and 2) could like you or possibly be attracted to you. Im sorry and rather embarrassed to say this, but Im not really good with faces and names (i have a horrible, horrible memory, so unless someone drums it into my head, i simply cannot remember people), so what stays with me during a first meeting with someone new, is how much their personality shines through.

chinhao said...

There are a lot of gurus out there who teach people effective interpersonal communications. I suppose while the best communication has to come from the heart with sincerity, there are still a large group of socially inept people out there who fail miserably at interpersonal communications no matter how sincere they may be inside. In our everyday lives, there are such a genuine group of people who simply does not know how to express their sincerity outwards and end up doing and saying stupid things often resulting in misunderstandings. For these group of people, some coaching or training would be useful, though I feel there should not be a fixed formula to be applied across the board. At the end of the day, every individual is different, so the training should be to help that particular individual express his or her inner sincerity outwards in such a manner that is most suited to his or her personality.

//huixin said...

totally agree that the best way of communication is still communicating with the heart and through sincerity. there is no point trying too hard to win one's heart by using flamboyant words because ultimately, one will be able to decipher whether what you have said truly comes from the heart and whether you mean it or not.